Wednesday, May 28, 2008

World Food Programme Feed Bag

World Food Programme Feed Bag

World Food Programme Feed Bag


  • Buying one World Food Programme FEED bag feeds a child in school for one school year.

  • School feeding acts as a magnet, dramatically increasing enrollment, sometimes by as much as 100 percent. It also improves performance at school; children concentrate better on a full stomach.

  • Girls who go to school not only marry later, but have half as many children than illiterate women. Furthermore, these children are healthier and better educated.

  • $20 a year can transform a child's life and provide the tools for a lifetime of self-reliance. School feeding is a simple but effective way to beat hunger and poverty.

  • The FEED Project is a partnership between the United Nations World Food Program and Lauren Bush, WFP Honorary Spokesperson.


Lauren Bush

Honorary Spokesperson for the UN World Food Programme

"FEED is a project I initiated to help fight child hunger. For the past 3 years I have been an Honorary Spokesperson for the UN World Food Program (WFP), which is the food-aid arm of the UN humanitarian forces.

Throughout my time as a volunteer, I have gotten to travel to 7 countries around the world (Guatemala, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Chad, Lesotho, Tanzania, and Honduras) that are all receiving food aid from WFP. The people I have met during my travels struggle each day to obtain one of the most basic human needs--food. It breaks my heart to think that every 5 seconds a child dies needlessly of hunger and malnutrition."

"But the most hopeful thing I have seen during my travels is WFP's school feeding program, where kids are given a lunch meal in school each day. This is incentive enough for kids to attend school when they might not normally, and the meal is nutritious enough for kids to stay healthy and engaged in their studies. It is truly inspiring to see kids, who are born into extreme poverty, in school eager to learn and improve their lives!"

"The FEED bag is a sturdy, reversible bag made out of natural burlap and cotton materials. The design of the bag was inspired by the big bags of food that I have seen being distributed to schools around the world. Besides being a cool bag, it is a tangible way to make a difference in the fight against child hunger. Every FEED bag sold will feed a child for a whole year in school!
Thank you for your support of the FEED project! With your help we will be making a big difference in children's lives around the world, one child at a time. So wear your bag with pride!"

Bag dimensions:

  • 15 inches high

  • 15 inches wide

  • 5 inches deep

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